12-2014 EB

Dear Susan,
I picked up my contact sheets yesterday from Tom, and spent hours going through them, cropping out the ones to send along to my manager, and trying to narrow it down.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am. 

Sitting for you felt like going to war under a kind, firm, and quiet-voiced major general. And I had no idea how these would turn out.

I’m bewildered. Somehow you’ve managed to make my outsides look like my insides.

How did you do that? I’m baffled.

Thank you so much for helping me see my own particular beauty.

I hope you know what a gift you have, and how much it means to a duckling like me.

Tom said to get you my choices for retouching after New Years, and so I will.

I hope you and your honey have a wonderful holiday.

Thank you again so very much.

Big hug,
E. B.